The Impact of Emerging Technologies: We're Changing.
"The Internet has discomforted many industries, but traditional publishing is particularly unhappy. Readers (especially young readers) are spending more time online: increasingly, they want their information to be timely, searchable, personalized, and part of a social network. At the same time, advertisers are spending more money on interactive media: they are demanding efficiency, accountability, and a measurable return on their investments. The former's preferences would matter less were it not that the latter has sponsored the costs of print publication. Thus, at the very time when the costs of acquiring and retaining print readers are growing, when hiring the writers, editors, and designers has seldom been so expensive, publishers face the contraction of advertising revenues." - Jason Pontin, Editor-MIT Technology Review
In an excellent letter to readers of his magazine, Jason Pontin dissects the current situation in the publishing world. Paper just ain't what it used to be, but its not dead yet. What's needed is a new publishing model; M.I.T.'s Tech Review is trying one on for size. Good Luck!