"Take Tyra Banks -- please! It seems that this fall, Tyra will star in her very own one-hour, daily talk show, which will focus on the "the dreams, hopes and challenges of today's young women," according to the press release. Apparently the goal of Tyra's show is to "empower women to be the best they can be for themselves, their families and their communities." The show "will reflect the positive attitude, compassion and energy that Tyra Banks embodies."
Luckily, we've managed to secure our very own copy of the premiere of Tyra's new show (originally titled, simply, "Badonkadonk!"), so we can be the first to view Tyra in this new format. The transcript below is taken from a segment called "You Go, Girl!" during which Tyra meets with a young activist or aspiring something or other, and encourages her to keep doing whatever it is she does. The young woman in this interview, Hannah, seems to have started some kind of charity event for disabled aspiring actresses.
Tyra: So, girl, tell me all about your little project! It sounds so interesting!
Hannah: Well, as you probably know, Tyra, there are a lot of aspiring actresses out there who are disabled and, as a result, can't work.
Tyra: How would I know that?
Hannah: Well, you were an aspiring actress at one time...
Tyra: Excuse me?
Hannah: Well, you were in "Coyote Ugly"...
Tyra: Who are you callin' ugly? You have no idea what I've been through! But I'm not a victim, I grow from it and I learn!
Hannah: No, I mean...
Tyra: I'm extremely disappointed in you, Hannah. You've been through anger management, you've been through your grandmother getting her lights turned off to buy you some pantyhose for this talk show, and then you go over there and you joke and you laugh?
Hannah: Over where? My grandmother isn't even...
Tyra: Be quiet, Hannah! Be quiet! Stop it! I have never in my life yelled at a girl like this! I was rooting for you! We were all rooting for you! How dare you! Learn something from this! You take responsibility for yourself!" - Heather Havrilesky